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North American X-15
Image Gallery 3

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X-15 (47k) X-15 after flipping over during a high-weight landing when unable to eject its fuel
X-15 (35k) X-15 after release from its B-52 mother plane
X-15 (35k) X-15 wreckage from the Michael Adams crash returned to Edwards AFB for study
X-15 (31k) External fuel tanks of the X-15A-2
X-15 (37k) Damaged X-15 following an emergency landing in Nevada when flown by John McCay
X-15 (20k) X-15 about to land at a typical high angle of attack
X-15 (33k) X-15 shortly after release from the B-52
X-15 (56k) Overhead view of the X-15 illustrating its stubby wings and thick vertical tail
X-15 (23k) X-15 diagram
X-15 (30k) Cutaway diagram of the X-15

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