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Saab AJ 37 Viggen
Image Gallery 2

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Viggen (28k) Viggen maneuvering in flight while carrying a centerline fuel tank
Viggen (52k) Viggen carrying a RBS15 anti-ship missile under the wing and a Sidewinder on the fuselage
Viggen (43k) AJ 37 Viggen showing its thin wing and canard control surface
Viggen (35k) Weapons that can be carried by the AJ 37 Viggen, including rocket pods
Viggen (34k) Saab Viggen approaching a Soviet submarine off the Swedish coast
Viggen (56k) Nose of an AJSF 37 Viggen designed for reconnaissance camera and sensor equipment
Viggen (66k) Early AJ 37 Viggen takes off during a demonstration flight
Viggen (52k) AJ 37 Viggen ground attack plane carrying 135-mm rocket pods on the wing and fuselage
Viggen (44k) Saab SF 37 Viggen reconnaissance model flies over the snowy terrain of Sweden
Viggen (68k) SH 37 Viggen carrying a reconnaissance sensor pod on a fuselage hardpoint

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