Supersonic High-Sweep Oblique Wing Example

Advantages & Disadvantages
Experimental Setup
Measurement Considerations
Example: Transport
Example: Oblique Wing


This experiment was conducted in the NASA Ames 9 by 7 ft supersonic wind tunnel on a generic supersonic high-sweep oblique wing model illustrated below.

Scale diagram of oblique wing model
Scale diagram of oblique wing model [from McLachlan, 1995]

The wing of the model utilized a supercritical airfoil section, and its sweep could be varied from 0° to 72°. A row of chordwise pressure taps was located at the quarter span point, and the bottom surface of the wing was coated with PSP. The illumination element was an array of seven short arc mercury vapor lamps, and the imaging element was a standard CCD video camera, with an 8-bit intensity resolution and a 512 X 480 pixel spatial resolution. The calibration for this experiment was carried out by using both the a priori and in situ methods.


A representative example of the collected data is provided in the following image.

Scale diagram of oblique wing model
Surface pressure field overlaid with a schlieren image
Blue denotes high pressure, red denotes low pressure
[from McLachlan, 1995]

This figure shows the forward swept wing at Mach 1.6, -4° angle of attack, 60° wing sweep back, and 0° yaw angle. The pressure map of the PSP data is shown, with a schlieren image of the outer flow shock structure overlaid. The usefulness of the PSP method as a flow visualization tool again becomes readily apparent, as the shocks on the wing surface are easily visible. The schlieren image clearly shows the bow shock and the reflected tip shock, both of which have corresponding pressure differences visible on the wing.

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