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Sikorsky SH-60 Seahawk
Image Gallery 2

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SH-60 (26k) SH-60 firing flares used to decoy infrared missiles
SH-60 (29k) SH-60 Seahawk in flight
SH-60 (32k) SH-60 as seen through night-vision goggles
SH-60 (28k) SH-60 flying over the USS George Washington
SH-60 (40k) Spray of ocean water thrown up by a hovering SH-60
SH-60 (33k) Seahawk carrying Hellfire missiles and a search/targeting turret on the nose
SH-60 (48k) SH-60 launching a Penguin anti-ship missile
SH-60 (35k) SH-60 landing aboard ship
SH-60 (35k) Seahawk helicopter photographed from a US Navy ship
SH-60 (38k) SH-60 Seahawk launching a Hellfire missile from its stub wing on the port fuselage

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