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MiG-25 Mikoyan Gurevich
ASCC codename: Foxbat
High-Altitude Interceptor

The MiG-25 was developed in response to the US decision to start development of the B-70 bomber and A-12 attack plane. Both platforms were designed to deliver nuclear weapons to the Soviet Union while traveling at Mach 3 at altitudes over 70,000 ft. Fearing the inadequacy of existing air defense systems, the Soviets planned a new high-speed, high-altitude interceptor. Though the B-70 project was eventually abandoned, the MiG-25 program continued and eventually produced the fastest fighter in the world.

The MiG-25 is designed only for high-altitude flight and has correspondingly terrible low-level performance and dogfighting characteristics. Although reconnaissance and defense suppression variants of the MiG-25 were developed, the aircraft's range of applications has always been limited. As a result, Mikoyan Gurevich later designed an improved MiG-25, the MiG-31, with significantly better low-level performance for use in more common attack fighter roles.

Most Russian MiG-25s have since been retired in favor of the MiG-31, though the earlier aircraft still serves with a number of other air forces. A total of 1,190 examples of the MiG-25 were built before production ended in 1984, and about 217 were still in service by 2004. These included interceptor, reconnaissance, and trainer models mostly used by Russia and former Soviet states. Despite their age and outdated electronics, the MiG-25 remains a formidable opponent. The only air-to-air kill achieved by Iraq during Operation Desert Storm came when an Iraqi MiG-25 pilot shot down an F/A-18C Hornet of the US Navy on 17 January 1991.

Data below for MiG-25PD
Last modified 26 October 2009

First Flight (Ye-155R) 6 March 1964
(Ye-155P) 9 September 1964
Service Entry

(MiG-25P 'Foxbat-A') 1970
(MiG-25R 'Foxbat-B') 1971

CREW: one: pilot



Wing Root TsAGI SR-12S
Wing Tip TsAGI SR-12S

Length 78.15 ft (23.82 m)
Wingspan 45.98 ft (14.02 m)
Height 20.02 ft (6.10 m)
Wing Area 662 ft² (61.52 m²)
Canard Area

not applicable

Empty 44,090 lb (20,000 kg)
Normal Takeoff unknown
Max Takeoff 80,950 lb (36,720 kg)
Fuel Capacity internal: 32,895 lb (14,920 kg)
external: unknown
Max Payload

4,000 lb (1,800 kg)

Powerplant two Soyuz/ Tumanskii R-15BD-300 afterburning turbojets
Thrust 49,400 lb (220.0 kN) with afterburner

Max Level Speed at altitude: 2,110 mph (3,390 km/h) at 42,650 ft (13,000 m), Mach 3.2 [clean]
1,865 mph (3,000 km/h) at 42,650 ft (13,000 m), Mach 2.83 [loaded]
at sea level: 650 mph (1,050 km/h), Mach 0.85
Initial Climb Rate 40,950 ft (12,480 m) / min
Service Ceiling 67,900 ft (20,700 m)
absolute altitude: 123,524 ft (37,650 m) [world record]
Range typical: 935 nm (1,730 km)
ferry: 1,390 nm (2,575 km)
g-Limits +4.5

Gun none
Stations four external hardpoints
Air-to-Air Missile up to two R-23/AA-7 Apex, up to four R-60/AA-8 Aphid, up to two R-40/AA-6 Acrid, or up to four R-73/AA-11 Archer
Air-to-Surface Missile Kh-58 Kistler (MiG-25BM only)
Bomb unknown (MiG-25RB only)
Other reconnaissance cameras (MiG-25R only)

Ye-155P Prototype of the interceptor model; 7 built
Ye-155R Prototype of the reconnaissance model; 3 built
MiG-25P 'Foxbat-A' First production interceptor model armed with up to four air-to-air missiles
MiG-25R 'Foxbat-B' First production reconnaissance model carrying cameras, sensors, and ECM equipment
MiG-25RBT 'Foxbat-B' Subvariant of the MiG-25R with different reconnaissance equipment
MiG-25RBV 'Foxbat-B' Subvariant of the MiG-25R equipped with a specialized electronic intelligence suite
MiG-25U 'Foxbat-C' Two-seat trainer model with a second instructor seat located in a separate cockpit below the student cockpit
MiG-25PU 'Foxbat-C' Two-seat trainer based on the MiG-25P interceptor model
MiG-25RU 'Foxbat-C' Two-seat trainer based on the MiG-25R reconnaissance model
MiG-25RB 'Foxbat-D' Reconnaissance model with a secondary high-altitude bombing capability
MiG-25RBK 'Foxbat-D' Improved reconnaissance-bomber model based on the MiG-25RB but equipped with different cameras and new electronic intelligence equipment
MiG-25RBS 'Foxbat-D' Subvariant of the MiG-25RB with a different sensor suite
MiG-25RBSh 'Foxbat-D' Upgraded model of the MiG-25RBS capable of carrying air-to-surface missiles
MiG-25RBF 'Foxbat-D' MiG-25RB models rebuilt with new panoramic camera equipment
MiG-25PD 'Foxbat-E' Improved interceptor based on the MiG-25P but with upgraded engines and a new radar, in production from 1978 to 1982
MiG-25PDS 'Foxbat-E' MiG-25P airframes modified to the MiG-25E standard between 1979 and 1984, about 370 rebuilt
MiG-25BM 'Foxbat-F' Defense supression model based on the MiG-25RB but with a lengthened nose, new ECM equipment in place of the recon module, and armed with Kh-58 anti-radiation missiles for use against SAM sites
Ye-133 Single MiG-25PU redesignated for test flight purposes
Ye-155M Test aircraft used to explore improvements to the MiG-25 design, including more powerful engines, larger fuel capacity, and new structural materials, many of which were incorporated into the MiG-31
Ye-155MP Test aircraft used to develop digital electronics, more powerful radar, and integration of new missiles, also included a second cockpit for a navigator/tactical officer and in-flight refueling equipment; served as the prototype for the MiG-31
Ye-266 Stripped-down MiG-25 prototype used to set several speed and altitude records from 1965 to 1967
Ye-266M Designation used for the Ye-155M to set new speed and altitude records in 1975, as the Ye-266 had done previously


Lebanon (Syria, 1982)
Iraq - Operation Desert Storm (Iraq, 1991)
Iraq - Operation Southern Watch (Iraq, 1991-2003)
Nagorno-Karabakh War (Azerbaijan, 1992-1994)
Iraq - Operation Desert Fox (Iraq, 1998)


Algeria, Al Quwwat al Jawwawiya al Jaza'eriya (Algerian Air Force) - MiG-25P/R/RB/U
Armenia (Armenian Air Force)
Azerbaijan (Azerbaijan Air Force) - MiG-25PD/RB/U
Belarus, Voyenno Vozdushnyye Sily (Belarus Air Force)
Bulgaria, Bulgarski Voenno Vozdushni Sili (Bulgarian Air Defense Force Military Aviation) - MiG-25RB
India, Bharatiya Vayu Sena (Indian Air Force) - MiG-25RB/RU
Iraq, Al Quwwat Al Jawwiya al Iraqiya (Iraqi Air Force) - MiG-25P/RB
Libya, Al Quwwat al Jawwiya al Jamahiriya al Arabia al Libyya (Libyan Air Force) - MiG-25P/PD/R/RB/U
Russia, Voyenno Vozdushniye Sili (Russian Air Force)
Syria, Al Quwwat al-Jawwiya al Arabiya as-Souriya (Syrian Air Force) - MiG-25P/PD/RB/PU
Ukraine, Voyenno Vozdushnyye Sily (Ukraine Military Air Forces)
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Voyenno Vozdushniye Sili (Soviet Air Force)



  • Bishop, Chris, ed. The Encyclopedia of Modern Military Weapons: The Comprehensive Guide to Over 1,000 Weapon Systems from 1945 to the Present Day. NY: Barnes & Noble, 1999, p. 250, 302, Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-25 'Foxbat', Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-25R 'Foxbat'.
  • Donald, David, ed. The Complete Encyclopedia of World Aircraft. NY: Barnes & Noble, 1997, p. 634, Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-25.
  • Donald, David and Lake, Jon, ed. The Encyclopedia of World Military Aircraft. NY: Barnes & Noble, 2000, p. 301-303, Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-25 fighter variants, Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-25 reconnaissance variants, Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-25BM 'Foxbat-F'.
  • Gunston, Bill, ed. The Encyclopedia of Modern Warplanes. NY: Barnes & Noble, 1995, p. 191-193, Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-25P 'Foxbat-A', Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-25R 'Foxbat-B' and 'Foxbat-D', Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-25E 'Foxbat-E' and MiG-25U 'Foxbat-C'.
  • Gunston, Bill, ed. The Osprey Encyclopedia of Russian Aircraft. Oxford, UK: Osprey Publishing, 1995, p. 218-222, Ye-155, MiG-25.
  • Gunston, Bill and Spick, Mike. Modern Air Combat: The Aircraft, Tactics and Weapons Employed in Aerial Combat Today. NY: Crescent Books, 1983, p. 132-133, Mikoyan/Gurevich MiG-25.
  • Isby, David C. Jane's Fighter Combat in the Jet Age. London: Harper Collins Publishers, 1997, p. 179, Mikoyan MiG-25 Foxbat.
  • Munro, Bob and Chant, Christopher. Jane's Combat Aircraft. Glasgow: Harper Collins Publishers, 1995, p. 166-167, Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-25.
  • Paul Nann's Military Aviation Photo Gallery
  • Rendall, David. Jane's Aircraft Recognition Guide, 2nd ed. London: Harper Collins Publishers, 1999, p. 72, MIG-MAPO MiG-25 Foxbat.
  • Taylor, Michael. Brassey's World Aircraft & Systems Directory 1996/1997. London: Brassey's, 1996, p. 75-76, Mikoyan MiG-25 (NATO name Foxbat).
  • Taylor, Michael J. H. Brassey's World Aircraft & Systems Directory 1999/2000. London: Brassey's, 1999, p. 55-56, Mikoyan MiG-25 (NATO name Foxbat).

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