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Mikoyan Gurevich MiG-23 'Flogger'
Image Gallery 6

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MiG-23 (50k) MiG-23 creating a series of Mach disks in the exhaust of its powerful engine
MiG-23 (32k) Large nose radome and engine intake of a MiG-23M 'Flogger-B'
MiG-23 (40k) Czech MiG-23ML in an unusual paint scheme retracting its landing gear as it takes off
MiG-23 (40k) Polish MiG-23MF 'Flogger-B' with a drag parachute deployed to reduce its landing distance
MiG-23 (34k) Libyan MiG-23 trainer showing the notches in its swept-back wing
MiG-23 (23k) Sharp nose of a MiG-23B 'Flogger-F' ground attack fighter armed with bombs
MiG-23 (38k) View into the nozzle of a Czech MiG-23 as it blazes into the sky
MiG-23 (55k) Large nose and open cockpit of a Mikoyan Gurevich MiG-23MLD 'Flogger-K'
MiG-23 (48k) Closeup of the nose of a MiG-23-98 demonstrator carrying R-77 (AA-12 'Adder') air-to-air missiles
MiG-23 (27k) Pair of MiG-23MS 'Flogger-E' fighters fly in formation

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