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Lockheed Martin / Boeing F-22 Raptor
Image Gallery 2

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F-22 (20k) F-22 test firing an AIM-9M Sidewinder missile from the left side weapons bay
F-22 (25k) F-22 banking with side bay doors open during loads testing on the bay structure and instrumented missile
F-22 (37k) Lockheed Martin F-22 flies above a group of F-15 fighters on the ground
F-22 (42k) Four F-22s in formation over the desert terrain at Edwards Air Force Base
F-22 (29k) F-22 Raptor in landing configuration with wing flaps deployed
F-22 (26k) Side view of the first production F-22, Raptor 01, during flight testing at Edwards AFB
F-22 (11k) Lockheed Martin F-22 making a banking turn and showing its trapezoidal inlets
F-22 (41k) Pair of F-22s fly in formation over snow covered peaks
F-22 (43k) Four F-22s fly in formation over the desolate landscape of California City
F-22 (35k) Closeup of an F-22 test aircraft with a pitot tube mounted on the nose

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