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Joint Strike Fighter
Image Gallery 5
Joint Advanced Strike Technology (JAST) 1994-1996

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Joint Strike Fighter (48k) Joint Advanced Strike Technology (JAST) proposal from Lockheed Martin
Joint Strike Fighter (80k) Lockheed Martin concept for a JAST model equipped with a lift fan to meet US Marine Corps requirements
Joint Strike Fighter (38k) Conventional takeoff JAST variant for the Air Force proposed by Lockheed Martin
Joint Strike Fighter (42k) Lockheed Martin design using a thrust vectoring nozzle and lift fan for landing vertically aboard ship
Joint Strike Fighter (78k) Diverterless engine intakes of the Lockheed Martin JAST concept
Joint Strike Fighter (27k) Lockheed Martin JAST concept releasing bombs from internal weapons bays
Joint Strike Fighter (44k) Navalized carrier variant of the Lockheed Martin JAST proposal
Joint Strike Fighter (60k) Lockheed Martin JAST design with modified landing gear and a tailhook for carrier suitability
Joint Strike Fighter (68k) JAST convential takeoff variant designed by Lockheed Martin for the US Air Force
Joint Strike Fighter (21k) Evolution of the Lockheed Martin design for JAST culminating in the X-35

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