Can you tell me if there was ever an airplane engine called a Krider Ryka? My spelling may be wrong. - question from name withheld
Unfortunately, we've been unable to find any aircraft engine or engine manufacturer with a name similar to "Krider
Ryka." The closest match we've found was an airplane manufacturer of the late 1920s called Kreider-Reisner. The
company was founded in 1925 by Ammon "Amos" Kreider and Lewis Reisner as the Kreider-Reisner Flying Service. In
1927, the firm became the Kreider-Reisner Aircraft Co. of Hagerstown, Maryland, and was taken over by Fairchild
in 1929. Some of the company's more notable aircraft include:
A Midget: (1926) Winner of the Scientific American Trophy at the 1926 Nationals.
C-2 Challenger: (1927) First of the company's Challenger series, the C-2 remained in
prodcution as the Fairchild KR-31 and has the
disctinction of being the only design in history (outside of wartime production) to be built by six
different companies: Kreider-Reisner, Fairchild, Detroit, Hammond, Parks, and Ryan.
C-4: (1928) Another Kreider-Reisner to remain in production as the Fairchild KR-34, one example
of which was still flying in the 1970s.
XC-31: (1934) Experimental cargo transport aircraft design begun by Kreider-Reisner and
continued by Fairchild, the design featured cargo doors parallel to the ground to improve loading. The
XC-31 was evaluated by the US Army Air Corps at Wright Field but did not enter production.
KR-125: (1930) One of the final designs produced by the Kreider-Reisner Division of Fairchild.